Live Precious Metal Prices API – Documentation

GET /Latest

The Latest endpoint returns the latest values for the most popular Symbols ( XAU, XAG, PA, PL, GBP, USD, EUR ), To access our full range of symbols You should use the ‘GET /Latest/{Symbols}’ Endpoint found below.

The Latest Endpoint is a simple GET request and will return a JSON object, an example of which can be seen below

GET /Latest
    "success": true,
    "validationMessage": [],
    "baseCurrency": "USD",
    "unit": "ounce",
    "rates": {
        "XAU": 1927.51,
        "XAG": 23.85,
        "PA": 2290.65,
        "PL": 932,
        "USD": 1,
        "GBP": 0.77716,
        "EUR": 0.85357

GET /Latest/{Symbols}

This endpoint allows full access to our metals and currencies and allows you to request just the information you require. a full list of the metals and currencies we support can be found on our ‘Supported Symbols Page’.

The Symbols Param needs to be a comma-separated string, an example of the call and the result can be seen below.

    "success": true,
    "validationMessage": [],
    "baseCurrency": "USD",
    "unit": "ounce",
    "rates": {
        "XAU": 1931.94,
        "ALL": 105.2372,
        "EUR": 0.85353

GET /Latest/{Symbols}/{Currency}

To keep it simple and flexible, All our prices are based against the USD by default. however to get everything based in a different currency you can pass in the choosen currency in the URL and the returned result will be in that currency.

    "success": true,
    "validationMessage": [],
    "baseCurrency": "EUR",
    "unit": "ounce",
    "rates": {
        "GBP": 0.9062031691438397,
        "XAU": 1530.068386,
        "XAU_18K": 1147.5512895,
        "XAG": 21.036344,
        "PL": 839.3371,
        "PA": 1923.539198,
        "XAU_OPEN": 1530.011407141,
        "XAU_CHANGE": 0.056978859,
        "XAU_CHANGEPERCENT": 0.00372

GET /Latest/{Symbols}/{Currency}/{UnitOfWeight}

All our metal prices are based on a troy ounce, however if you need the returned results to represent grams, you can do this by passing gram in via the URL

    "success": true,
    "validationMessage": [],
    "baseCurrency": "EUR",
    "unit": "gram",
    "rates": {
        "GBP": 0.9062031691438397,
        "XAU": 49.1927696577702,
        "XAU_18K": 36.89457724332765,
        "XAG": 0.6763331850408,
        "PL": 26.98527530097,
        "PA": 61.8431316931386,
        "XAU_OPEN": 49.19093774756815,
        "XAU_CHANGE": 0.0018319102020513,
        "XAU_CHANGEPERCENT": 0.00372

Getting prices of gold in different Karats

We supply data on the price of gold spot price and the variations of Karat, Our gold symbol (XAU) can have the desired karat suffix added to achieve this.

To get 18 Karat gold price, using the symbol “XAU_18K” will do this, to get 14 Karat will be “XAU_14K” and 21 Karat would be “XAU_21K”. All variations between 1 and 24 Karats are supported.

GET /latest/XAU,XAU_14K,XAU_18K,XAU_21K/USD
    "success": true,
    "validationMessage": [],
    "baseCurrency": "USD",
    "unit": "ounce",
    "rates": {
        "XAU": 1879.46,
        "XAU_14K": 1096.35167,
        "XAU_18K": 1409.595,
        "XAU_21K": 1644.5275

Getting Multiple Metal Prices in Multiple Currencies at once

The returned rates are always based in the requested baseCurrency, This means you can get the prices of multiple metals in multiple currencies at the same time.

To do this, you need to multiply the Metal price by the currency rate. and example request can be seen below.

    "success": true,
    "validationMessage": [],
    "baseCurrency": "EUR",
    "unit": "ounce",
    "rates": {
        "XAU": 1469.1872720000001,
        "XAG": 21.517439200000002,
        "PA": 2366.6620536,
        "PL": 1020.5201456,
        "GBP": 0.8716369882899448,
        "KWD": 0.36422142649762895,
        "EUR": 1

The above request is based in EUR, which means the values for Gold(XAU) and Silver(XAG) are returned in EUR. To get the value of Gold (XAU) and Silver (XAG) in GBP or KWD you can simply multiple the values together.

Gold (XAU) in GBP is rates.XAU * rates.GBP

Gold (XAU) in KWD is rates.XAU * rates.KWD

Palladium (PA) in GBP is rates.PA * rates.GBP

Using the above, you can retrieve the information for every metal in every currency in a single request.